Saturday, November 16, 2019

What Did You Think of the New 'The Casagrandes' Episode 'Arr in the Family; Finders Weepers'? | Nickelodeon Fan Poll

What did you think of the brand new The Casagrandes episode "Arr in the Family"; "Finders Weepers" (#105)? Vote in the polls and sound off in the comments below!

In the brand-new The Casagrandes "Arr in the Family", Ronnie Anne is determined to help CJ get on stage at a pirate dinner show:

What Did You Think of New 'The Casagrandes' Episode 'Arr in the Family'?

Then later in "Finders Weepers", Ronnie and Sid have to decide whether they should borrow money from a lost coin purse they found in the mercado.

What Did You Think of New 'The Casagrandes' Episode 'Finders Weepers'?

What did you think of the all-new The Loud House episode "Good Sports; Geri-Antics"? Vote in the poll here!:

More Nick: Culture & Comedy: LatinX Artists and Writers Tap Into Their Heritage for 'The Casagrandes'!
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