Friday, July 10, 2015

Nickelodeon At Comic-Con International: San Diego 2015 News Round-Up - Part One

Welcome to a special San Diego Comic-Con edition of NickALive!'s Nickelodeon News Round-Up! In celebration of Nickelodeon attending Comic-Con International: San Diego 2015, below is a selection of news and highlights from the first few days of Nick at SDCC '15, plus a few extras!

Nickelodeon at Comic-Con International: San Diego 2015 News:

The San Diego Comic Art Gallery is currently hosting a exhibition featuring "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" artwork by Kevin Eastman!

Panel Highlights:

Nickelodeon's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Turtle Power! – Secrets of the ooze are revealed by the mutated minds making Nickelodeon's hit animated series. Moderated by the internet's biggest fanboy, Andre Meadows (aka "@BlackNerd"), the panel features executive producers Ciro Nieli and Brandon Auman as they provide sneak peeks into season four and discuss the epic and bizarre adventures in store for the four talking turtles. Also on hand will be the extraordinary and talented voice actors of our TMNT world; Seth Green (Leonardo), Rob Paulsen (Donatello), Greg Cipes (Michelangelo), Eric Bauza (Tiger Claw), Fred Tatasciore (Rocksteady) and more special guests! Booyakasha!

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" season four will feature new characters:

Zog the Triceraton, a scout for the alien Triceraton army (voiced by Lance Henriksen).

Lord Dregg, an arrogant, insectoid crime lord. When the Turtles incur his wrath, he becomes one of their most dangerous enemies (voiced by Peter Stormare ("Fargo")).

Armaggon, a vicious, bounty-hunter robo-shark with a taste for turtle (voiced by Ron Perlman (Sons of Anarchy)).

Mona Lisa, a highly skilled Salamandrian warrior (voiced by Zelda Williams ("The Legend of Korra"), Robin Williams' daughter).

Fugitoid, an alien scientist named Dr. Honeycutt, but after his body was destroyed, his brain was saved and placed into the body of a robot (voiced by David Tenant ("Dr. Who")).

Captain Mozar, the supreme Commander of the Triceraton Fleet. He is a cunning and brutal military commander who answers only to the Triceraton Emperor (voiced by Michael Dorn ("Star Trek")).

It's being reported that Nickelodeon has ordered "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" season five, however, this has yet to be confirmed.

Extra Highlights:

Day One - Thursday 9th July 2015:


A video posted by Seth Green (@sethgreen) on

Master Splinter!!!! #tmnt #sdcc

A photo posted by Lacey (@exquisitebliss) on

Prepanel cheerleading #TMNT #SDCC15

A video posted by Seth Green (@sethgreen) on

Turtle Power!!! #comicon #tmnt #panel

A photo posted by Juan Pablo Medrano Vaquero (@johnpaulmedrano) on

The man of my dreams... Stick Stickly #picswithstick #tbt #sdcc2015 #nicksdcc #toomanyhashtags

A photo posted by Helen J. Stoddard (@helenjstoddard) on

Day Two - Friday 10th July 2015:

Striking power poses with Heather from Fox 5 News #nicksdcc #sdcc #TMNT #daytwo #turtlepower

A photo posted by Talia Yates (@talia9) on

Striking power poses with Heather from Fox 5 News #nicksdcc #sdcc #TMNT #daytwo #turtlepower

A photo posted by Talia Yates (@talia9) on

Nickelodeon attending Comic-Con International: San Diego 2015 Photos:

Via the Nickelodeon Animation Studio's official Tumblr blog:

We’re at San Diego Comic Con!!!!! And we get to wear the SWEETEST Nicktoons Tees!

Via Nickelodeon's official "Harvey Beaks" Tumblr blog:

I spy the Harvey Beaks gang at ComicCon! If you’re at SDCC, be sure to stop by the Nick booth.

Via Bryan Konietzko on Tumblr:


Above is the signing poster I made for this year, to celebrate the 10 years this Avatar universe has been out there in the world. Below is our schedule, once again:

Friday, 10-11 AM, Room 25ABC: Dark Horse Comics panel with Mike & me

Friday, 12-2 PM, Dark Horse booth: signing with Mike & me (and maybe a special guest too, I’m not sure yet)

Friday, 4-5 PM, Oni Press booth: Invader Zim comic signing with Jhonen Vasquez & me

Saturday, 3-5 PM, Nickelodeon booth: signing with Mike & me (again, and maybe a special guest too, I’m not sure yet)

Ticket info for the Saturday Nickelodeon booth signing: Nick folk are handing out tickets on both Friday AND Saturday morning at the booth between 9:30 – 10:30am. Only 125 tickets will be handed out each day.

I know the overwhelming majority of people out there can’t make it to the increasingly-difficult-to-attend-and-prohibitively-expensive San Diego Comic Con. In addition to this, Mike and I haven’t had and don’t have the schedules to allow for us to attend the many great, smaller conventions all over the globe throughout the year. San Diego is very close to where we both live, so it is quick and easy for us to get down there. Being such a big convention, it is also one that companies like Nick and Dark Horse put a lot of their focus on and marketing resources towards. I just wanted to explain those factors, as I know it is probably frustrating for people who see all the SDCC chatter online and can’t participate in person. We appreciate that many of you ATLA/LOK fans out there would love for us to come to an event or hold a signing closer to your stomping grounds. During the productions of those series, we were mostly chained to our desks trying to meet an endless procession of deadlines and could only carve out a long weekend or two a year for conventions. Now we are busy with new endeavors and the ATLA/LOK events will taper to a large degree. But perhaps our respective new publishing projects will bring us on book tours and to other conventions around the world in the future, allowing us to meet more people we haven’t had a chance to yet. We love you folks! Thanks for your continued support!
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