To help make Nickelodeon's 26th Annual Kids' Choice Awards the most global 'Kids' Choice Awards' ever, many international Nickelodeon channels and networks have announced their localized country specific voting categories and nominations, which will allow Nickelodeon viewers across the world (Planet Orange/Planet Nickelodeon) to vote for their countries local favourites, and their KCA 2013 presenters / hosts who will be reporting the latest 2013 KCA news and gossip exclusively for their channels Nickelodeon fans and viewers!
You can find a full list of local "Nickelodeon 2013 Kids' Choice Awards" categories, nominees and hosts below. You can vote for your favourites on KCA2013.com as many times as you like. After you've voted, tune into the 2013 Kids' Choice Awards to find out who wins! You can also find a full list of Nickelodeon UK & Ireland's 2013 Kids' Choice Awards nominees here on NickALive!.
As well as their local KCA 2013 nominations, viewers and fans around the world can also vote for Nickelodeon's International 2013 Kids' Choice Awards nominees:
Nickelodeon Germany (Nickelodeon Deutschland), Nickelodeon Austria (Nickelodeon Österreich) and Nickelodeon Switzerland (Nickelodeon Swiss):
Moderator (presenter): Nickelodeon Star Julia Schäfle, who portrays Liv Sonntag in Nickelodeon Europe and Studio 100's daily soap "Hotel 13"
LIEBLINGSSTAR: DEUTSCHLAND, ÖSTERREICH, SCHWEIZ (Favourite Star: Germany, Austria, Switzerland]):
Der Schweizer ist der bislang jüngste Gewinner von "Deutschland sucht den Superstar". Schon früh hat sich Luca auf dem Schlagzeug musikalisch ausgetobt, später entdeckte er seine Leidenschaft für Gitarre, Klavier und Gesang. Sein erstes Album „My Name is Luca" schaffte es in den Charts bis ganz nach oben.Wird er auch bei der Wahl zum „Lieblingsstar: Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz" auf Platz 1 landen?
Er ist ein absolutes Multitalent: Musiker, Produzent, Designer und Cartoonist! Mit Songs wie „Easy" und „Du" lieferte der Rapper mit der Panda-Maske einige der größten Hits des vergangenen Jahres. „Hi Kids" rappt Cro „werft die Arme hoch und gebt mir ein Hallo!". Klingt gut! Vielleicht wird er ja mit dieser Ansage auch eure Stimmen bei den Kids' Choice Awards für sich gewinnen.
Für ihr aktuelles Album reiste die charmante Sängerin quer durch Europa. Weshalb? Um mit internationalen Stars an Melodien und Texten zu tüfteln. Herausgekommen sind neue Hits wie „ASAP" – einen Song, den sie schrieb als sie in Schweden ihren Freund vermisste. Lena hat schon viele Awards abgeräumt und immer wieder das Publikum verzaubert. Wird sie auch die Kids' Choice Awards für sich entscheiden?
2012 startete Daniele Negroni so richtig durch: Erst schnappte er sich den zweiten Platz bei „Deutschland sucht den Superstar" und dann kletterte sein Album „Crazy" auf die Topplätze der Charts. So bunt und vielseitig wie Danieles Songs sind auch seine Frisuren. Fast so bunt wie der orangene Blimp, den er mit eurer Unterstützung bei den Kids' Choice Awards gewinnen könnte.
Nickelodeon Italy (Nickelodeon Italia):
Ha vinto la 62esima edizione del Festival di Sanremo col brano 'Non è l'inferno'. Ha cantato 'Nel blu dipinto di blu' per la colonna sonora di 'Benvenuti al nord'. Il suo album 'Sarò Libera' si trova ancora ai vertici della classifica degli album più venduti, mentre il Sarò libera Tour ha attraversato tutta l'Italia. Per completare l'anno da sogno di Emma manca solo la vittoria ai Kids' Choice Awards 2013!
Emis Killa ha un talento innato per le parole, specialmente se in rima e "sparate" a velocità supersonica. Ha debuttato nel 2007, ma il 2012 è stato l'anno della sua consacrazione. Il disco 'L'erba cattiva' ha raggiunto il disco d'oro (un risultato storico per il rap in Italia) ed è ormai in classifica da più di un anno, mentre il tour ha registrato ovunque il sold out. Col suo swag Emis Killa conquisterà anche un dirigibile ai KCA?
Fino a pochi mesi fa era stagista in una società finanziaria, poi la sua vita è cambiata per sempre. Chiara ha vinto l'edizione 2012 di X Factor e il suo singolo 'Due Respiri' ha conquistato la vetta delle classifiche. È anche una dei protagonisti del Festival di Sanremo 2013 con le canzoni 'L'esperienza dell'amore' e 'Il futuro che verrà'. Un dirigibile dei KCA sarebbe il perfetto coronamento di questa storia da sogno!
Lo scorso anno Marco Carta ha trionfato come Miglior Cantante Italiano ai KCA… riuscirà a fare il bis? Il 2012 è stato un anno pieno di impegni per Marco: ha pubblicato il suo quarto disco di inediti 'Necessità Lunatica' ed è tornato nella scuola di Amici nella sfida dei Big. 'Scelgo me', l'ultimo singolo da 'Necessità Lunatica' sta scalando le classifiche, mentre Marco si prepara a tornare in tour da maggio.
Nickelodeon Belgium (Nickelodeon België) and Nickelodeon Netherlands (Nickelodeon Nederland):
Ferry Doedens is een Nederlandse zanger en acteur die geboren is op 17 juni 1990. We kennen Ferry natuurlijk van zijn rol als Lucas Sanders in de soap-serie GTST, waar hij al vanaf 2009 in speelt. Hij kan daarnaast ook heel goed zingen! Ferry zat bij de laatste 18 kandidaten van de vierde editie van Idols! Hij speelde ook in de musical Wicked, waar hij de rol van Prins Fiyero deelde met Jim Bakkum. Wist je dat Ferry in 2006 de Nationale Kampioenschappen levend standbeeld heeft gewonnen?
Gers (Gerwin) Pardoel komt uit Nijmegen en is geboren op 12 mei 1981. Hij is zijn muziekcarrière begonnen met rappen in liedjes van anderen. In 2011 bracht hij zijn succesvolle debuutalbum 'Deze wereld is van jou' uit. Op dit album staat het meest succesvolle liedje uit de Nederlandse Top 40 ooit: de nummer 1 hit 'Ik neem je mee'. En psst... Gers Pardoel was vorig jaar ook genomineerd als Favoriete Ster voor de KCA's!
Britt Dekker is geboren op 24 februari 1992, en werd in 2010 beroemd toen ze het programma 'Echte meisjes in de Jungle' won. Kort daarna bracht ze zelfs haar eigen single uit! Daarna beleefde ze gekke avonturen over de hele wereld in het programma 'Britt & Ymke en het mysterie van..'. Tegenwoordig is ze met haar BFF te zien in de talkshow 'Britt & Ymke stellen vragen' op RTL 5, maar het liefst kijkt ze natuurlijk naar Nickelodeon!
Epke Zonderland is op 16 april 1986 geboren in het kleine dorpje Lemmer in Friesland. Als kind was hij al samen met zijn broers actief bezig met turnen. Zijn favoriete onderdeel is de rekstok. Hij werd hiermee in 2008 zevende op de Olympische Spelen! Vorig jaar deed hij het nog beter: hij won met zijn driedubbele turnsprong de gouden medaille tijdens de Spelen in Londen! Yeah! En in 2013 maakt hij dus kans op een echte Kids' Choice Award.
Nickelodeon Latin America (América Latina):
Isabella Castillo es actriz, cantante, modelo y bailarina... ¡Y también es Grachi! Una adolescente que se muda a una nueva ciudad y descubre que tiene poderes mágicos. En este 2013, "Grachi" tendrá su tercera temporada en Nickelodeon, e Isabella estará presentando su disco debut… ¡Wow!
Martina inició su formación artística desde muy joven: ¡estudió canto, piano, comedia musical, teatro y baile! Violetta es su primera participación en la televisión (¡y seguramente no será la última!). En sus ratos libres, disfruta pasar tiempo con su familia y amigos, escuchar música, preparar coreografías y cantar.
EME 15
EME15 está integrado por Paulina Gotto, Yago Muñoz, Macarena Achaga, Eleazar Gómez, Natasha Dupeyrón y Jack Duarte. Juntos, interpretan todas las canciones que se escuchan en la novela Miss XV, ¡en la que son protagonistas! EME15 sigue sumando miles de nuevos fans cada día: ¡Fueron premiados con disco de oro y fue uno de los discos más vendidos en varios países de Latinoamérica!
Sin duda, la telenovela y la banda sonora de Atrévete a soñar, donde Danna Paola personificó a Patito Feo, fueron la catapulta que la colocó en el estatus de estrella icónica en México y América Latina. Durante el 2012, esta cantante mexicana presentó su quinto álbum de estudio, "Danna Paola". Actualmente… ¡Ya está lista para nuevos desafíos!
Nickelodeon Australia and New Zealand:
Harry, Zayn, Liam, Louis and Niall found fame on 'The X Factor'. Their debut album, 'Up All Night', reached No.1 in 15 countries. They are the first UK group to debut at No. 1 in the USA with a debut album, BRIT Award winners of Best Single 2012, Winner of Favourite UK Band at the Nickelodeon's Kids' Choice Awards 2012, and have over 5MM Facebook fans and 3 million followers on Twitter. Plus, their 'What Makes You Beautifuleo has had over 100 million VEVO views. Phew!
Psy has been famous in his home country of Korea for years. But the recent online obsession over his video for ‘Gangnam Style’ has turned him into a global superstar! It’s been viewed over 1 BILLION times on YouTube—yes, BILLION! And now fans around the world know his signature suit-wearing style and his hilarious ‘horse-riding’ dance. Will Psy gallop his way to a KCA?
Although she's been a well-known artist in her native Canada for years, Carly Rae Jepsen was virtually unknown outside the country until fellow Canadian Justin Bieber began tweeting about her irresistible song "Call Me Maybe." The tune went on to be 2012's biggest single, selling 10 million copies…and now Carly Rae's a star all around the world! Will she win a KCA, maybe?
Taylor Swift captured our hearts by just being the girl on the bleachers and now she's a superstar. A six-time Grammy award winning superstar, to be exact! Let's see if this blonde cutie can take the stage against some stiff competition in this category!
16-year-old Queensland native Cody Simpson released his debut single 'iYiYi' in 2010. That same year he moved to Los Angeles to record music. By 2012 he was headlining his own tour of Europe! In 2011, Cody won three Australian KCAs. And in 2012, Cody won the Favourite Aussie Superstar KCA. Will he bring home a blimp for the third year running?
Australia's dance troupe Justice Crew is proof that dreams can happen! From humble beginnings in Sydney's western suburbs, the nine-member outfit won "Australia's Got Talent" in 2010. The nine hip hoppers come from diverse backgrounds, with dancing the common thread. All nine members are hands-on at the Justice Academy, a program which uses music and dance to empower disadvantaged young Australians. For entertaining AND helping people, will Justice Crew earn a KCA blimp?
Since winning the third season of Australia's 'The X Factor' in late 2011, 17-year-old Reece Mastin has already racked up a ton of other achievements! We're talking about a double platinum #1 debut album, a string of chart-topping singles (his debut 'Good Night' went four times platinum in Australia!), and a platinum #1 DVD release. A songwriter since age 12, Reese was without doubt born to rock. Was he also destined to win a blimp?
Guy Sebastian was born in Malaysia in 1981 and moved with his family to Australia at age 6. In 2003 he became the first Australian Idol winner. His first solo single 'Angels Brought Me Here' debuted at number one and was the fastest selling Australian single in ARIA chart history. His latest album 'Armageddon' hit number one. Guy's won a whopping SIX Aussie KCAs…will he get another gong this year?
Jennette McCurdy is most famous for her starring role as Sam Puckett on Nickelodeon's hit television show iCarly. Not only will she have you in fits of laughter but she can sing too! Nickelodeon audiences love Jennette's quick-wit, hilarious humour and fantastic enthusiasm for all things fun. We are really excited to check her out in the upcoming series currently in production, 'Sam & Cat'!
Ariana Grande currently stars as Cat Valentine on the hit Nickelodeon show VICTORIOUS, which is in its THIRD season. Most recently, she was signed to the Universal Republic Record label and released her first single, "Put Your Hearts Up," which debuted at NUMBER 25 on the pop charts! It is no surprise that the Huffington Post asked Ariana to represent the voice of her generation by becoming their featured high-school section journalist. With brains, beauty and a talent that'll take her places, Ariana has it all!
Goofball Lucas Cruikshank gives us out-of-this-world laughs on his show Marvin, Marvin. And even though he crash-landed on earth, he looks right at home on screen. If he does score a Blimp this year, he might just float to the ceiling in happiness!
Victoria Justice is known and loved for her acting skills and vocal chops. She gets to show off both as superstar-in-training Tori Vega, on Victorious! We'd say she's got a good shot at victory at the KCAs this year. It is part of her name after all...
Was Carly Rae Jepson's "Call Me Maybe" your summer anthem? With sales topping 10 million, how could you have missed it?! This pop gem is one of the best-selling digital singles of all time and now it's being nominated for Favorite Song at the KCAs!
Psy has been famous in his home country of Korea for years. But the recent online obsession over his video for 'Gangnam Style' has turned him into a global superstar! It's been viewed over 1 BILLION times on YouTube—yes, BILLION! And now fans around the world know his signature suit-wearing style and his hilarious 'horse-riding' dance. Will Psy gallop his way to a KCA?
Every girl in the world wishes the One Direction boys were singing about her in this song! Imagine having “that one thing”! Whether you melt with jealousy or bop along to this catchy tune, One Direction definitely know how to win a crowd over. One Thing we know for sure is that Aussie girls can’t get enough of this boy band sensation!
Taylor Swift's mixing it up with this kick-ass song! Romance is put on hold when she busts out a tune which any girl can relate to. Taylor hasn't lost her country girl attitude, but this song has a fierce new beat to it! As Taylor Swift takes us on her break-up journey, she is loud and proud and we love this new look on her.
It's hard to remember a time when Justin Bieber wasn't at the top of the charts. And his new album, Believe, made us swoon all over again. We'd travel all around the world to hear this guy belt his tunes, so here's hoping that JBiebs brings home a 2013 KCA!
Harry Styles is the curly-haired dreamboat of One Direction. From being discovered on UK's X-Factor, he continues to blow us away with his British charm and charisma. He is a heart-stopper with an amazing voice! And he's always dressed to impress—could Harry's Style win him Aussie's Fave Hottie?!
Victoria Justice is known and loved for her acting skills and vocal chops. She gets to show off both as superstar-in-training Tori Vega, on Victorious! We'd say she's got a good shot at victory at the KCAs this year. It is part of her name after all...
Selena Gomez rose to fame as the leading lady of Wizards of Waverly Place and, without even trying, she put the whole world under her spell! Even though this year marks Wizards’ final season, Selena might have enough magical powers left to nab one last KCA!
Nickelodeon Brazil (Nickelodeon Brasil):
Di Ferreiro começou sua carreira em 2004, quando entrou para o NX Zero. Desde então, sua voz se tornou uma das mais conhecidas do Brasil e a banda está sempre no topo das paradas. O sucesso é tanto que até a Nelly Furtado convidou o cantor para participar de uma música sua!
Manu Gavassi começou sua carreira de um jeito bem inusitado: apaixonada pela música, decidiu gravar vídeos cantando e tocando violão e postar na internet. Não deu outra! Seu talento foi descoberto e logo todos se perguntavam quem ela era. É quase impossível não se apaixonar por sua voz!
Mia Wicthoff sempre teve gosto pela música e aos 16 anos, ao lado dos primos, formou a banda CW7, hoje um sucesso no Brasil. Mia é admirada por sua presença nos palcos, onde canta e toca piano com sua banda, e não é por acaso que esteja entre os indicados ao prêmio de Voz Brasileira Favorita!
Aos 16 anos, Pe Lanza decidiu formar uma banda com seus melhores amigos, a Restart. Os meninos tinham talento e isso logo foi reconhecido. A banda se tornou um fenômeno e a voz de Pe Lanza estava nas rádios de todo o Brasil. Sem dúvidas merece a indicação do KCA!
Nickelodeon Denmark (Nickelodeon Danmark):
Vaert (Host): Mohamed Ali, a singer and dancer who won third place as a finalist in Denmark's second season of The X Factor in 2009.
DANMARKS FAVORITSTJERNE (Denmark's Favourite Star):
Rasmus Seebach er en dansk sanger, sangskriver og producer. Han solodebuterede med hitsinglen "Engel" i 2009, efter at have fungeret som sangskriver for andre artister i mere end ti år. I september udkom hans debutalbum, der blev en stor succes med over 200.000 solgte eksemplarer, samt rekorden for flest uger på toppen af albumlisten. Med sit andet album, Mer' end kærlighed fra 2011, blev Seebach den hurtigst sælgende kunstner nogensinde, da albummet solgte over 42.000 eksemplarer på én uge. Som ung ville Rasmus Seebach være professionel fodboldspiller.
Christophers første single Against the Odds handlede om at vende det negative til noget positivt og turde kaste sig ud i nye eventyr. Og man må sige, at Christopher har kastet sig ud i noget af et eventyr. Siden udgivelsen af første single i september 2011, har han udgivet sit debutalbum Colours (foråret 2012), spillet et hav af koncerter i Danmark og vundet priser ved Voice Prisen og Danish Music Awards. Christophers store idoler er Jason Mraz og John Mayer.
Medina er opvokset i Risskov sammen med sin fem år ældre bror og ni år yngre søster. Hun er født Andrea Fuentealba Valbak, men skiftede navn til Medina Danielle Oona Valbak efter at have besøgt en numerolog. Før sin musikkarriere stod hun i en sandwichbar i Aarhus. Medina fik sit gennembrud med den dobbelt platin-sælgende single "Kun for mig". Den lå i 52 uger på den danske hitliste og hun har siden modtaget adskillige priser, bl.a. tre MTV awards for bedste danske act.
Shaka Loveless Grøn er født i Aarhus i 1984. Han er, udover solokarrieren, også forsanger i det danske R&B/hiphop band The Gypsies. Som soloartist brød han igennem som da han i starten af 2012 udgav singlen "Tomgang", som i april 2012 blev P3s uundgåelige. Shaka Loveless er søn af den berømte blues-sanger James Loveless, som i mange år gjorde indtryk på den danske bluesscene. Shakas debut album er lavet i samarbejde med producerduoen Donkey Sound bestående af Pharfar og Fresh-I.
Nickelodeon Spain (Nickelodeon Espana):
(No local nominations)
Nickelodeon France:
(No localized nominations)
Nickelodeon Sweden (Nickelodeon Sverige):
Vard (Presenter): MOLLY SANDÉN
Molly Sandén har redan vid sin unga ålder hunnit med nästan allt en artist kan önska sig; konserter, turnéer, skivsläpp, tv-produktioner, melodifestivalen ...och nu Nickelodeons Kids Choice Awards 2013!
Många har redan tagit del av Mollys talang på scen, i TV och radio. Vi har kunnat höra henne i Diggiloo och se henne dansa i Let's Dance. Hon har varit med och uppträtt i de mest kända svenska programmen som Så ska det låta, Bingolotto, Sommarkrysset, Lotta på Liseberg och även i TV-sända galor som Idrottsgalan. Molly släppte sitt senaste album den 23 maj förra året, albumet heter "Unchained".
Molly är en person som inte sitter still, hon kommer att fortsätta att göra allt och lite till och leverera grymma låtar och coola uppträdanden, förmodligen allt på samma gång. Men först är det dags för henne att åka tillbaka till LA och ställa sig på Nickelodeons oranga matta och presentera Kids Choice Awards 2013 för alla er!
SVERIGES FAVORITSTJÄRNA (Sweden's Favourite Star):
Sean "den första" Banan är allas vår favorit. Hans låtar sjungs av både stora och små och hans texter får alla att skratta. Sean Banan var förra året med på hela Nickelodeondagen turnén och det är mycket möjligt att han dyker upp i år igen.
Loreens magiska och coola uppträdande på Eurovision Song contest 2012 med låten "Euphoria" gjorde henne super känd i hela Europa! Låten spelas överallt och Loreen är den alla pratar om. I år lämnar hon över sin vinnarpost i Eurovision men har precis påbörjat sin karriär. Vi lär se mer av Loreen, det är vi helt säkra på.
Eric är definitionen av ordet "popular". Han är Sveriges popstjärna med massvis med coola talanger. När han inte är ute på turné eller spelar in en skiva kan vi alltid läsa om honom i tidningar eller bloggar där han berättar om framtida projekt. Vi kan ju inte låtsas att de flesta tjejer där ute hoppas att få läsa att Eric är singel ;)
Awa är med sina 15 år en helt otroligt talangfylld tjej. Hon kammade hem hela vinsten av Sveriges första X-Factor 2012. Nu har hennes liv vänts lite upp och ner men på det bästa sättet. Awa är en naturbegåvning och det ska bli otroligt spännande att få följa hennes karriär från och med nu.
Nickelodeon Asia: Nickelodeon SEA (Nickelodeon South East Asia):
Chinese Mando-pop singer and actor Han Geng is known as "the most influential male celebrity in China". His 1st solo album sold over a million copies & tickets to his 1st concert sold out in a record-breaking 37mins. To date, he has received over 20 awards for his solo works, including the 2012 MTV EMA for Worldwide Act. He is also exceptionally well known for his powerful dance skills and skilful in all of China's 56 ethnic traditional dances, ballet and hip-hop.
Psy has been famous in his home country of Korea for years. But the recent online obsession over his video for 'Gangnam Style' has turned him into a global superstar! It's been viewed over 1 BILLION times on YouTube—yes, BILLION! And now fans around the world know his signature suit-wearing style and his hilarious 'horse-riding' dance. Will Psy gallop his way to a KCA?
The Philippines' "Popstar Princess" Sarah Geronimo got her big break at age 14 when she won a TV singing competition. Smash albums such as "Popstar: A Dream Come True" and "Just Me" followed, along with film roles. Now, at age 24, she is already a multi-awarded, multi-platinum recording artist, a movie star, a TV personality with her own musical variety show, and an inspiration to young people and adults alike. She's a true Philippine superstar for the 21st century!
Malaysia's very own rising star, Shila Amzah, released her first album when she was 9 or 10 thanks to support from her father, also a singer. In September 2012, Shila Amzah, now 22, became the champion of 'Asian Wave,' a Chinese reality singing talent show similar to 'The Voice'. She has been nominated for two World Music Awards. With a powerful, soulful voice, Shila is fast becoming a household name on the international stage.
Nickelodeon Poland (Nickelodeon Polska):
Prowadzacy (Host): WOJTEK “ŁOZO” ŁOZOWSKI
Wokalista Afromental. Pierwsze kroki w show biznesie stawiał w MTV, jako prezenter. W 2004 roku założył zespół, który stał się jednym z najbardziej rozpoznawalnych na polskiej scenie muzycznej. Po sukcesie takich hitów Afromental jak „Pray 4 Love” czy „Radio Song”, które przyniosły mu olbrzymią sławę, Wojtek został też jurorem w programie łowiącym muzyczne talenty. W międzyczasie grupa, razem z nim na pokładzie, zgarnęła wiele prestiżowych nagród, w tym dla Najlepszego Polskiego Wykonawcy na gali MTV Europe Music Awards w 2010 roku, czy jako Zespół Roku na gali Viva Comet Awards.
ULUBIONA POLSKA GWIAZDA (Favourite Polish Star):
21-letnia piosenkarka i blogerka w jednym. Do tej pory nagrała dwa albumy studyjne oraz stała się debiutantką roku 2012 na gali VIVA Comet. Dodatkowo zajęła trzecie miejsce w Polsce w konkursie, w którym w jury zasiedli Wyclef Jean oraz Fergie z The Black Eyed Peas.
Piosenkarka pop-rockowa, która pochodzi z polskiej rodziny mieszkającej w czeskim Cieszynie. Ewa od dziecka gra i koncertuje, zarówno w języku polskim, jak i czeskim. Ma zaledwie dwadzieścia lat, a już nagrała sześć płyt, z których pochodzą jej największe hity, takie jak „EWAkuacja", „Bez łez" czy „Cicho". Zdobyła ponad 25 prestiżowych nagród, w tym MTV Europe Music Award w kategorii Najlepszy Polski Artysta.
Piosenkarz, wykonujący muzykę z pogranicza popu i R&B. Jego debiutancki album „Miliony monet" rozszedł się jak ciepłe bułeczki, a sam Łukasz (bo tak ma na imię), został okrzyknięty debiutantem roku na gali VIVA Comet Awards. Mrozu do tej pory nagrał trzy krążki i współpracował z takimi artystami jak: Jamal, Molesta Ewenement, K.A.S.T.A., czy Mr.Kinglover z Jamajki.
Właściwie Julita Fabiszewska, popularność zyskała dzięki swoim amatorskim nagraniom publikowanym w internecie. W 2012 roku, jeszcze przed wydaniem swojego debiutanckiego krążka „Na krawędzi", zdobyła prestiżowe nagrody i wystąpiła na największych polskich festiwalach. Jej przeboje „Za każdym razem" i „Nie zatrzymasz mnie" dostały się na pierwsze miejsca najlepszych polskich list przebojów.
Nickelodeon Russia (Nickelodeon Россия)
Её любят за обаяние, отменное чувство юмора и, конечно, за сильный и легко узнаваемый голос. Критики часто спорят о том, к какому стилю отнести ее творчество, но наперекор всем догадкам песни Ёлки существуют вне жанровых клише. За прошедший год большинство музыкальных СМИ назвали самой перспективной, востребованной и ротируемой российской исполнительницей именно Ёлку. В 2011 году она выпустила четвертый в своей карьере студийный альбом «Точки расставлены», в который вошли такие хиты, как: «Прованс», «На большом воздушном шаре» и «Около тебя». Эти песни очень быстро заполонили эфиры популярных радиостанций и заняли верхние строчки различных хит-парадов. Выступления певицы славятся качественным живым звуком и по достоинству оцениваются многими критиками и меломанами, ведь вместе с Ёлкой на сцену выходят самые прогрессивные российские музыканты!
Молодость и энергия, талант и трудолюбие, красота и доброжелательность - слагаемые ее жизни и творчества. Нюша родилась в музыкальной семье - талант передался по наследству. Она с самого детства не боялась крутых поворотов судьбы, смело шла навстречу своим мечтам и без смущения смотрела на встречающиеся трудности.
Шоу-бизнес соскучился по искренним молодым исполнительницам, которые обладают не только привлекательными данными, но и харизмой, вдохновляющей слушателя на расстоянии. Каждая ее песня — история, в которой звучит вся гамма человеческих чувств, а лейтмотивом, конечно, служит любовь. Нюша собирает залы не потому, что ее имя стало брэндом, - этим можно привлечь журналистов и стайку поклонников, - все дело в том, что она посвящает свою жизнь творчеству, а работа является для нее краеугольным камнем.
Иван Дорн родился в Челябинске. В раннем детстве его семья переехала в город Славутич (Украина). Здесь он получил музыкальное образование по классу фортепиано и несколько спортивных разрядов. В возрасте шести лет Ваня начал участвовать в музыкальных прослушиваниях и выступать на различных фестивалях.
Сольная карьера Дорна началась 1 октября 2010 года, когда певец дал свой первый концерт в Киеве. Творчество Ивана – это синтез различных музыкальных стилей: рэпа, фанка, нео-диско и хауса. На сцене исполнителя можно увидеть только с живым музыкальным сопровождением: Роман Bestseller (гитарист, бэк-вокалист, саундпродюссер), Лимонадный Джо (битмейкер, dj). Святое правило Дорн-бэнда: никогда не работать под фонограмму!
Дима Билан – уроженец города Усть-Джегуты Карачаево-Черкесской республики. Будущий кумир миллионов учился в музыкальной школе по классу аккордеона, с детства участвовал в различных музыкальных конкурсах и фестивалях. В 2003 году окончил музыкальное училище имени Гнесиных по специальности «классический вокал».
Будучи студентом, Дима Билан познакомился со своим первым продюсером Юрием Айзеншписом, который сразу распознал в парне талант и начал с ним работать. В 2002 году певец дебютировал на сцене юрмальского фестиваля «Новая волна» и занял четвёртое место.
Дима Билан представлял Россию на конкурсе песни «Евровидение» дважды: в 2006 году с песней «Never let you go», заняв второе место, и в 2008 году с песней «Believe», заняв первое место и став первым российским артистом, победившим на «Евровидении».
Дима Билан является обладателем многочисленных премий: MTV Russian Music Awards, Золотой граммофон, Муз-ТВ, EMA Europe Music Awards, "Звуковая дорожка" и других. В 2009 году артист был избран олимпийскийм послом "Сочи-2014".