Nickelodeon Africa - Sunday 1st April 2012 at 5.30pm (local time) - kca.nick.tv
Nickelodeon Asia: Nickelodeon SEA (Nickelodeon South East Asia) - Monday 2nd April 2o012 at 6.30pm; Nickelodeon Korea - Friday 13th April 2012 at 8.00pm; Nickelodeon Philippines - Saturday 14th April 2012 at 10.00am; Nickelodeon Indonesia - Sunday 15th April 2012 at 1.00pm (local times) - kca.nick-asia.com
Nickelodeon Australia and New Zealand - Sunday 1st April 2012 at 6.30pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) and New Zealand Standard Time (NZST) (local times) - kca.nickelodeon.com.au
Nickelodeon Austria - Sunday 1st April 2012 at 6.30pm (local time) - kca.nick.de
Nickelodeon Belgium - Sunday 1st April 2012 at 6.30pm (local time) - kca.nickelodeon.nl
Nickelodeon Brazil (Nickelodeon Brasil) - Tuesday 3rd April 2012 at 8.00pm (local time) - kca.mundonick.com.br
Nickelodeon Denmark (Nickelodeon Danmark) - Monday 2nd April 2012 at 6.30pm (local time) - kca.nickelodeon.dk
Nickelodeon France - Tuesday 3rd April 2012 at 8.35pm (local time) - kca.nickelodeon.fr
Nickelodeon Germany (Nickelodeon Deutschland) - Sunday 1st April 2012 at 6.30pm (local time) - kca.nick.de
Nickelodeon India - Sunday 1st April 2012 at 5.30pm (local time) - kca.nick.tv
Nickelodeon Israel - Sunday 1st April 2012 at 5.30pm (local time) - kca.nick.tv
Nickelodeon Italy (Nickelodeon Italia) - Tuesday 3rd April 2012 at 8.30pm (local time) - kca.nicktv.it
Nickelodeon Latin America - Tuesday 3rd April 2012 at 8.00pm (local time) - kca.mundonick.com
Nickelodeon Netherlands (Nickelodeon Nederland) - Sunday 1st April 2012 at 6.30pm (local time) - kca.nickelodeon.nl
Nickelodeon Poland (Nickelodeon Polska) - Sunday 1st April 2012 at 5.30pm (local time) - kca.nick.tv
Nickelodeon Spain (Nickelodeon Espana) - Friday 6th April 2012 at 8.50pm (local time) - kca.nickelodeon.es
Nickelodeon Sweden - Monday 2nd April 2012 at 5.30pm (local time) - kca.nickelodeon.se
Nickelodeon Switzerland (Nickelodeon Swiss) - Sunday 1st April 2012 at 6.30pm (local time) - kca.nick.de
To help make the "Nickelodeon 2012 Kids' Choice Awards" the most global 'Kids' Choice Awards' ever, many international Nickelodeon channels and networks have announced country specific voting categories and nominations, which will allow Nickelodeon viewers across the world (Planet Orange/Planet Nickelodeon) to vote for their countries local favourites. You can find a full list of local "Nickelodeon 2012 Kids' Choice Awards" categories and nominees below:
Nickelodeon Asia:
Favourite Asian Act:
Agnes Monica (Indonesia)
After rising to stardom at the age of 6, Indonesian singer Agnes Monica has made a name for herself as an award-winning, multi-platinum singer and an actress. She’s a star in many countries, including her homeland Indonesia as well as Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, the Philippines, and the Netherlands. Agnes has numerous awards to her name—will she add a 2012 KCA to her trophy shelf?
Charice (Philippines)
Born and raised in the Philippines, 17-year-old Charice was competing in local singing contests by age 7. Thanks to a fan posting her performances on YouTube, she became an Internet sensation. She’s had a Top 10 iTunes hit and appeared in the KCA-nominated movie ‘Chipwrecked.’ Now, can she add an orange blimp to her credits?
Wonder Girls (Korea)
Hailing from South Korea, the Wonder Girls are quickly becoming stars in the Western world. The first Korean act to have a song on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, the Wonder Girls (Sohee An, Yubin Kim, Sun Min, Yenny Park, and Lim Woo) have opened for the Jonas Brothers and Justin Bieber. Their movie ‘The Wonder Girls’ premiered on TeenNick in February 2012. They have won numerous awards—will a KCA blimp be next?
Yuna (Malaysia)
Yuna, who grew up in Malaysia, picked up the guitar and started writing music at age 19. She has recorded songs in English and in Malay and won awards for both! Now she lives in Los Angeles, where she is writing and recording music, developing her photography skills, managing her Malaysia clothing shop…and waiting to find out if she’ll win a KCA!
Nickelodeon Australia and New Zealand:
Favourite Aussie Superstar:
Chris Hemsworth
Chris Hemsworth was born August 11, 1983, in Christchurch, New Zealand and raised in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia from the age of 6. He later moved to Phillip Island, south of Melbourne, with his family. His older brother Luke and younger brother Liam are also actors. Chris will star in the upcoming horror film ‘The Cabin in the Woods’ and the ‘Red Dawn’ remake. He portrayed Thor in a film about the Marvel Comics superhero.
Hugh Jackman
Hugh Jackman is an Australian actor and producer who is involved in film, musical theatre, and television. He is known for his role as Wolverine in the X-Men series, as well as for his leads in 'Kate & Leopold,' 'Van Helsing,' 'The Prestige,' 'Australia,' and 'Real Steel.' Hugh is a singer, dancer, and actor in stage musicals, and won a Tony Award for his role in ‘The Boy from Oz.’
Miranda Kerr
Miranda started her career in modelling before she left high school, but went back and finished her studies, then went on to study Nutrition and Health Psychology at the Academy of Natural Living. Miranda's career has consisted of a mix of runway shows, fashion and beauty shoots, as well as advertising in television and print. In 2008, Victoria's Secret signed Miranda as its newest Angel. She was the first Australian model ever to appear in a Victoria's Secret runway show.
Cody Simpson
Queensland-born singer/songwriter Cody Simpson is quickly shaping up as a true pop phenomenon. His EP 'COAST TO COAST,' debuted in the Top 15 on the Billboard 200 and features the Top 40 smash 'On My Mind'. Cody tours nearly non-stop, including a sold out co-headline tour with Greyson Chance and shows alongside Miranda Cosgrove. At the 2011 Australia Kids’ Choice Awards, he won a trio of categories: "Awesome Aussie," "Aussie Muso," and the prestigious "Super Fresh."
Nickelodeon Germany (Nickelodeon Deutschland), Nickelodeon Austria and Nickelodeon Switzerland (Nickelodeon Swiss)
Lieblingsstar: Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz / Favourite Celebrity: Germany, Austria, Switzerland]:
Franziska Alber
Franziska Alber, auch Franzi genannt, spielt in der Serie „Das Haus Anubis“ die Rolle der hübschen Delia Seefeld. Mit ihrer guten Laune steckt sie am Filmset alle an und genießt die tolle aufregende Zeit vor der Kamera. Ihre Rolle als Anubis-Star hat sie schon erobert. Kann sie auch die Kids‘ Choice Awards für sich gewinnen? / Franziska Alber, also called Franzi plays in the series "Das Haus Anubis" the role of the charming Delia Seefeld. With their good mood she puts on a movie set to all and enjoy the great exciting time in front of the camera. Your role as Anubis Star she has conquered. Can they win the Kids' Choice Awards first prize?
Nora Tschirner
Die lebhafte Schauspielerin aus Berlin ist ein Sprachtalent und spricht neben Deutsch noch Spanisch, Englisch und Russisch. Sie spielte schon eine coole Mutter im Film „Vorstadtkrokodile“, eine Hauptrolle in „Keinohrhasen“ und viele andere tolle Rollen. Beim Musiksender MTV hat sie außerdem lange als Moderatorin vor der Kamera gestanden. Wird sich das Multitalent auch den „Blimp“ schnappen? / The lively actress from Berlin is a talented linguist who speaks German or Spanish, English and Russian. They had been playing a cool mother in the film "The Crocodiles", a starring role in "Rabbit Without Ears" and many other great roles. At MTV, it has also long been a presenter in front of the camera. The multi-talented and the "blimp" will grab?.
Pietro Lombardi
Der 19-jährige „Deutschland sucht den Superstar“-Gewinner hat sich in die Herzen seiner Fans gesungen. Dabei ist er geblieben wie er ist: ehrlich, direkt, charmant und ein wenig schüchtern. Um das Video für seine Single „Goin’ to L.A.“ zu drehen, ist der Halbitaliener extra nach Amerika geflogen. Wird die Stadt Los Angeles tatsächlich zu seinem Glücksbringer und ihm einen „Blimp“ bescheren? / The 19-year-old "Germany Idol" winner has been sung into the hearts of his fans. He's like he's been: shy honest, direct, charming and a little bit. To rotate the video for his single "Goin 'to LA", the extra half-Italians to America is flown. If the city of Los Angeles actually his good luck and give him a "blimp"?
Tim Bendzko
Der sympathische Lockenkopf Tim Bendzko hat mit seinem Nummer-1-Hit „Nur noch kurz die Welt retten“ seinen Fans richtig eingeheizt. Noch kein Newcomer hat es vor ihm geschafft ein Album und die ersten beiden Singles gleichzeitig in die Top Ten der Charts zu bringen. Ob er auch der Nummer 1-Star der Nickelodeon Kids‘ Choice Awards wird? / The likeable curly head Tim Bendzko has "saved only briefly the world" with his No. 1 hit his fans are heated up. Not a newcomer has done it before him an album and the first two singles at the same time to bring in the top ten on the charts. Whether he is also the number one star of the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards?
Nickelodeon Belgium and Nickelodeon Netherlands (Nickelodeon Nederland):
Favoriete ster, Nederland en België [Favorite Star, The Netherlands and Belgium]:
Dennis Weening
Dennis Weening is geboren op 27 februari 1977 en komt uit Den Haag. Dennis kennen we natuurlijk als presentator van de progamma’s: So You Think You Can Dance, Wie is de reisleider?, The Pain Game en Whipe Out. Daarbij presenteert hij ook veel op festivals en is ook actief als regisseur en producer. / Dennis Weening was born on 27 February 1977 and comes from The Hague. We all know Dennis as host of the progammes: So You Think You Can Dance, Who is the tour guide?, The Pain Game Out and whipe. It presents many festivals and is also active as a director and producer.
Gers Pardoel
Gers (Gerwin) Pardoel komt uit Nijmegen en is geboren op 12 mei 1981. Hij is zijn muziek carrière begonnen met rappen in liedjes van anderen. Nu is hij doorgebroken met zijn eigen #1 hit: Ik neem je mee, die ook op zijn album De wereld is van jou staat . We gaan nog veel van hem horen! / Gers (Gerwin) Pardoel comes from Nijmegen and was born on May 12, 1981. He started his music career in rap songs of others. Now he's broken with his own # 1 hit: I take you, also on his album The world is yours is. We'll even hear from him!
Lieke van Lexmond
Lieke van Lexmond is geboren op 6 februari 1982 en komt uit Ijsselstein. Lieke is vooral bekend als actrice in Goede tijden, slechte tijden, waarin ze Charlie Fischer heeft gespeeld. Ze is ook nog model, zangeres en heeft meerdere progamma’s gepresenteerd waaronder: RTL Boulevard en Ik kom bij je eten. / Lieke van Lexmond was born on February 6, 1982 and comes from Ijsselstein. Lieke is best known as an actress in Good Times, Bad Times, in which she played Charlie Fischer. She is also a model, singer and has presented several progammes including: RTL Boulevard and I come to your food.
Pip Pellens
Pip Pellens is geboren op 30 oktober 1993 en is een jonge maar snel groeiende actrice. Ze is nu te zien op Nickelodeon in de serie Naranjina en de Kadekapers als Fien. In Goede tijden, slechte tijden heeft ze Wiet van Houten gespeeld. Pip heeft ook films en series ingesproken zoals: Madagascar, iCarly, The Troop en Ned’s Survival Gids. / Pip Pellens was born on October 30, 1993 and is a young but rapidly growing actress. She now shows on Nickelodeon in the series Naranjina and Kade Hijackers as Fien. In good times, bad times, she [...] van Houten played. Pip has also recorded movies and series such as Madagascar, iCarly, The Troop and Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide.
Nickelodeon Brazil (Nickelodeon Brasil):
Artista Brasileiro Favorito / Brazilian Favorite Artist:
Julie e os Fantasmas / Julie and the Ghosts
A série musical conta a história de Julie, uma garota de 15 anos que quer ser uma rockstar. Ao lado de uma banda de fantasmas, Julie enfrenta sua timidez e os medos da adolescência para realizar seu sonho. A produção foi além das telas e um álbum com as músicas do seriado já está sendo gravado. / The music series tells the story of Julie, a girl of 15 who wants to be a rockstar. Along with a band of ghosts, Julie confronts her shyness and fears of adolescence to realize his dream. The production was beyond the screen and an album with the songs of the show is already being recorded.
Manu Gavassi
Manu Gavassi começou sua carreira de um jeito despretensioso: postando vídeos de suas músicas na internet. Após o sucesso de suas canções que falam sobre cotidiano de uma adolescente, a cantora de 18 anos virou ícone teen e hoje influencia muitas garotas no Brasil. / Gavassi Manu began his career as an unassuming way: posting videos of their music online. After the success of his songs that talk about everyday life of a teenager, she turned 18 years old teen icon and today influences many girls in Brazil.
NX Zero
Em 10 anos de carreira, a NX Zero foi de ensaios de garagem a música mais tocada nas rádios do Brasil. O grupo passou por muitas mudanças e hoje é formada por Gee Rocha, Di Ferrero, Dani Weksler , Caco Grandino e Fi Duarte. Os garotos tem uma discografia de 5 álbuns e diversos prêmios importantes. / In 10 years of career, NX Zero garage was testing the most played song on the radio in Brazil. The group went through many changes and today consists of Gee Rocha, Di Ferrero, Dani Weksler, Caco Grandino Fi and Duarte. The boys have a discography of five albums and several major awards.
A Restart teve início em 2008 e mesmo com apenas três anos de carreira, já existe bonecos dos integrantes e livros contando a sua história. Pe Lanza, Pe Lu, Thomas e Koba, além de serem sucesso absoluto no Brasil, já tem suas músicas gravadas em outros idiomas como inglês e espanhol. / The Restart began in 2008 and even with three-year career, there's already members of dolls and books telling your story. Lanza Pe, Pe Lu, Thomas and Koba, besides being unqualified success in Brazil, has had his songs recorded in other languages such as English and Spanish.
Nickelodeon Denmark (Nickelodeon Danmark):
Danskernes favorit stjerne / The Danish favorite star:
Burhan G
Burhans store gennembrud kom I 2003 da han tog på turné med Outlandish og udgav debutalbummet ’Burhan G’. Burhan G's succes har ført til samarbejde med flere store danske navne, som bl.a. Medina og Nik & Jay. Sidstenævnte, som han i øjeblikket hitter sammen med (meget letpåklædt) på singlen ’Tættere på himlen’. / Burhans big breakthrough came in 2003 when he took on tour with Outlandish and released their debut album 'Burhan G'. Burhan G's success has led to collaboration with several large Danish names that include Medina and Nik & Jay. Latter said that he currently hitter with (very lightly dressed) on the single "Closer to Heaven'.
Medina må siges at være Danmarks svar på en popstjerne i den internationale liga. Siden hendes debut i 2008 har Medinas vej mod stjernerne kun gået én vej, og det er op. Medina fik med sit andet dansksprogede album ‘For altid’ fra 2011 cementeret sin status som den ukronede popdronning i Danmark. / Medina is said to be Denmark's response to a pop star in the international league. Since her debut in 2008, Medina's road to stardom has only gone one way, and it's up. Medina had with his second Danish-language album 'Forever' in 2011 cemented his status as the uncrowned popdronning in Denmark.
Nik & Jay
Med ryggen mod Janteloven har Nik & Jay pimpet de danske anlæg op i 10 år med mere guld og glitter end de fleste kan prale af. De udgav for nylig albummet ’Engle og Dæmoner’, et album om ensomhed, svigt og stjernedrømme, for som duoen selv udtrykker det, kan man ikke altid gå på vandet. Nogle gange falder man i, men så må man kæmpe sig op igen. / With their backs against the Law of Jante has Nik & Jay [...] the Danish plants up for 10 years with more gold and glitter than most can brag about. They released the recent album 'Angels and Demons', an album about loneliness, betrayal and star dream, because as the duo puts it, one can not always walk on water. Sometimes, that they fall in, but we must fight its way up again.
Rasmus Seebach
Det kom måske ikke bag på så mange, da Rasmus Seebach valgte at gå i sin fars fodspor, men at han i dag er en af de største danske stjerner, er noget de færreste turde drømme om. Med tophits som ’Engel og ’Natteravn’ har han bevist, at man godt kan skrive sange med følelserne uden på tøjet og stadig møde verdenen med en cool attitude. / It was perhaps no surprise to many when Rasmus chose to go into his father's footsteps, but that today he is one of the largest Danish stars, is something few people dared to dream of. With top hits like 'Angel and' Night Raven ', he has proven that you can write songs with emotions without the clothes and still meet the world with a cool attitude.
Nickelodeon Italy (Nickelodeon Italia):
Migliore Cantante Italiano / Best Italian Singer:
Alessandra Amoroso
Alessandra Amoroso nasce il 12 agosto 1986 a Galatina (LE). E' stata la vincitrice dell'edizione 2009 di 'Amici' e pochi mesi dopo Sony pubblica il suo EP di debutto "Stupida", seguito dal suo primo album “Senza Nuvole”. Il 28 settembre 2010 arriva il nuovo disco di inediti, "Il Mondo In Un Secondo". A inizio dicembre del 2011 Alessandra pubblica il suo primo album live intitolato “Cinque Passi In Più”. Nella release sono presenti ben cinque straordinari brani inediti. / Alessandra Amoroso was born August 12, 1986 in Galatina (LE). It 'was the winner of the 2009 edition of' Friends' and a few months after Sony released his debut EP "Stupid", followed by his first album "Clouds". On September 28, 2010 comes the new album of unreleased tracks, "The World In A Second". In early December of 2011 Alessandra released his first live album titled "Five Steps More". In the release there are five extraordinary new songs.
Emma Marrone
Emma Marrone è nata a Firenze il 25 maggio 1984, ma ha sempre vissuto ad Aradeo in provincia di Lecce. Si è conquistata un posto d’onore sulla scena musicale italiana dopo la sua vittoria alla nona edizione del talent Show “Amici”, nel 2010. Lo stesso anno ha pubblicato il suo primo EP, “Oltre”, seguito da due album: “A Me Piace Così” (2010) e “Sarò Libera” (2011). Lo scorso anno ha affiancato i Modà al Festival di Sanremo e sono stati i secondi finalisti con il brano “Arriverà”. / Emma Brown was born in Florence May 25, 1984, but has always lived in Aradeo in the province of Lecce. It has earned a place of honor on the Italian music scene after his victory at the ninth edition of the talent show "Friends" in 2010. The same year he released his first EP, "Beyond", followed by two albums: "Just Like Me" (2010) and "I'll be Free" (2011). Last year he joined the Modà at the Sanremo Festival and were the second finalists with the song "will come".
Marco Carta / Charter Mark
Marco Carta nasce a Cagliari Il 21 maggio 1985. Il primo singolo della sua carriera è “Ti Rincontrerò”, tratto dall’omonimo album pubblicato da Warner il 13 giugno 2008. Ad ottobre esce il suo primo disco live “In Concerto”. Nell'aprile 2009 esce il suo secondo singolo, “Dentro Ad Ogni Brivido”, e a maggio dello stesso anno vince i premi Man Of The Year e Best N.1 Of The Year ai TRL Awards 2009. “Il Cuore Muove” è il suo disco più recente, pubblicato nel 2010. / Charter Mark was born in Cagliari on 21 May 1985. The first single of his career is "You Rincontrerò", based on the eponymous album released by Warner June 13, 2008. In October he released his first live album "In Concert". In April 2009 he released his second single, "Inside For Any Thrill", and in May the same year he won the awards Man Of The Year and Best Of The Year Ranked # 1 in TRL Awards 2009. "The Heart Moves" is his latest disc, released in 2010.
Tiziano Ferro
Tiziano Ferro nasce il 21 febbraio 1980 a Latina. Nel 2001 raggiunge la notorietà con il suo album di debutto "Rosso Relativo" e nel 2003 riceve la nomination ai Latin Grammy Awards come Miglior Esordiente, è l'unico italiano candidato ai Grammy in quell'anno. A novembre dello stesso anno pubblica l'album "111" e vende oltre un milione di copie. Il 31 marzo 2007 riceve il premio Kids' Choice Awards come Miglior cantante italiano. Ha cantato anche in spagnolo, inglese, francese e portoghese. / Tiziano Ferro was born February 21, 1980 in Latina. In 2001 he became famous with her debut album "Red Relative" and in 2003 he received the Latin Grammy Awards nominations for Best Newcomer, is the only Italian candidate for a Grammy that year. In November of that year she released the album "111" and sold over a million copies. On 31 March 2007 was awarded the Kids' Choice Awards for Best Italian singer. She has also sung in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese.
Nickelodeon Latin America:
Artista Latino Favorito / Favorite Latin Artist:
Alfonso Herrera
Su carrera como actor comenzó en el cine participando en la cinta Amar te duele (2002). Gracias al éxito de este trabajo, Alfonso se integró al elenco del que sería su primer proyecto en TV: Clase 406, telenovela que le abrió las puertas a este género y que lo llevó a protagonizar uno de los sucesos más importantes de los últimos años: Rebelde. Actualmente se encuentra en la puesta en escena Nadando con Tiburones. / His acting career in film began participating in the film Love hurts (2002). Thanks to the success of this work, Alfonso joined the cast of what would be his first TV project: Class 406, soap opera that opened the door to this genre and that led him to star in one of the most important events of recent years: rebel. Currently on the staging Swimming with Sharks.
Danna Paola
Sin duda, la telenovela y la banda sonora de Atrévete a soñar, donde Danna Paola personificó a Patito Feo, fueron la catapulta que la colocó en el estatus de estrella icónica en México y América Latina. Lista para un nuevo capítulo en su vida, la cantante mexicana estrenará este 2012 su quinto álbum de estudio, cuya carta de presentación es el sencillo "Ruleta". / Undoubtedly, the soap opera and the soundtrack of Dare to dream, where Danna Paola portrayed Ugly Duckling, the catapult was placed in the iconic star status in Mexico and Latin America. Ready for a new chapter in his life, the Mexican singer released this 2012 fifth studio album, whose cover letter is the single "Roulette".
Dulce María
Inició su trayectoria musical en su infancia, integrándose al grupo infantil Kids. En 2010 lanzó su primer disco soclista, grabado con Universal Music. A partir de entonces, “Inevitable”, el primer corte del disco, irrumpió con la fuerza de un tornado en las estaciones radiofónica de todo México inclusive antes de lo previsto, ya que la canción llegó a Internet y en menos de 20 minutos le dio la vuelta al mundo. / He began his musical career in his childhood, joining the children's group Kids. In 2010 he released his first album soclista, recorded with Universal Music. Since then, "Inevitable", the first track, broke the force of a tornado on radio stations throughout Mexico even ahead of schedule, as the song hit the Internet and in less than 20 minutes gave around the world.
Isabella Castillo (Grachi)
Isabella Castillo es una actriz de origen cubano. Actualmente interpreta a "Grachi": una adolescente que se muda a una nueva ciudad y se encuentra con nuevos amigos y primeros amores, a la vez que descubre sus recién encontrados poderes mágicos. / Isabella Castillo is a Cuban-born actress. Currently plays "Grachi" a teenager who moves to a new town and finds new friends and first loves, while discovering his newfound magical powers.
Nickelodeon Sweden:
Sveriges Favoritstjärna / Sweden's Favorite Star:
Eric Saade
Eric blev tidigt inspirerad av Michael Jackson. Vid första framträdandet var han 6 år och sjöng Nordmans "Vandraren" på sin mammas bröllop. Annars känner de flesta igen Eric för sin låt "Manboy" och “Popular”. Trots att Eric är så ung har han hunnit släppa två framgångsrika album och vunnit Svenska Melodifestivalen. Rösta på Eric om du tycker han även är värd en slimig Blimp! / Eric soon became inspired by Michael Jackson. At first appearance, he was 6 years old and sang the North's "Wanderer" on her mother's wedding. Otherwise, most people know again Eric for his song "Manboy" and "Popular". Although Eric is so young he has had time to release two successful albums and won the Swedish Melodifestivalen. Vote for Eric if you think he even deserves a slimig Blimp!
Sean Banan
Tove är blott 19 år men ändå en av de snabbast växande artisterna i Sverige. Hon har till och med jämförts med Robyn! Tove slog igenom i Idol 2009 och släppte sitt debutalbum ett år senare. Hon har sedan dess varit nominerad i en rad olika sammanhang och nu även för 2012 Kids Choice Awards! Rösta på Tove Styrke om du tycker hon är coolaste tjejen i Sverige! / The web Sean Tove is only 19 years old but still one of the fastest growing artists in Sweden. She has even been compared with Robyn! Tove broke through in Idol 2009, and released her debut album a year later. Since then she has been nominated in a variety of contexts and now for the 2012 Kids Choice Awards! Vote for Tove Strength if you think she is the coolest girl in Sweden!
Tove Styrke
Tove är blott 19 år men ändå en av de snabbast växande artisterna i Sverige. Hon har till och med jämförts med Robyn! Tove slog igenom i Idol 2009 och släppte sitt debutalbum ett år senare. Hon har sedan dess varit nominerad i en rad olika sammanhang och nu även för 2012 Kids Choice Awards! Rösta på Tove Styrke om du tycker hon är coolaste tjejen i Sverige! / Tove strength Tove is only 19 years old but still one of the fastest growing artists in Sweden. She has even been compared with Robyn! Tove broke through in Idol 2009, and released her debut album a year later. Since then she has been nominated in a variety of contexts and now for the 2012 Kids Choice Awards! Vote for Tove Strength if you think she is the coolest girl in Sweden!
Ulrik Munther
Munther sägs vara det svenska svaret på Bieber. Över en natt blev han namnet på allas läppar när han vann Lilla Melodifestivalen 2009 med den egna låten ”En vanlig dag”. Hans egentitlade debutalbum kom i augusti 2011 och innehåller elva låtar som Munther själv har varit med och skrivit. Rösta på Ulrik om du tycker han är Sveriges mest lysande stjärna! / Munther said to be the Swedish answer to Bieber. Overnight, he became a name on everyone's lips when he won the Lilla Melodifestivalen 2009 with their song "On a normal day." His egentitlade debut came in August 2011 and contains eleven songs that Munther himself has been involved in writing. Elect Ulrik if you think he is Sweden's most shining star!
You can view Nickelodeon's UK-specific nominees for Nickelodeon UK and Ireland's "Nickelodeon's 25th Annual Kids' Choice Awards" here, and the main nominations for the Nickelodeon 2012 Kids' Choice Awards here on NickALive!.
Also, from Screen Africa:
Katy Perry at Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards
Multi-platinum recording artist and global superstar Katy Perry will join host Will Smith and a powerhouse roster of other celebrity presenters at Nickelodeon’s 2012 Kids’ Choice Awards in Los Angeles on Saturday 31 March.
The show premieres on Nickelodeon (DStv Channel 305) on 3 April at 6pm CAT.
The celebrity presenters will include Chris Rock (What to Expect When You’re Expecting), Emma Stone (The Amazing Spider-Man), Andrew Garfield (The Amazing Spider-Man), Zac Efron (The Lucky One), Heidi Klum (Project Runway), Victoria Justice (Victorious), Miranda Cosgrove (iCarly), Big Time Rush, Chris Colfer (Glee) and Cee Lo Green (The Voice) as well as recently announced performers, UK pop sensation One Direction.
Kids can cast their votes until 31 March in 20 total categories at www.2012kca.com and via a Facebook application on the Nickelodeon Facebook page. Users will be able to vote from a tab on the page and, for the first time ever, the entire voting experience can be embedded directly into Facebook wall posts. Also new this year, fans will be able to vote for their favourite nominees on Twitter through the use of custom hash tags.
This year, kids not only pick the winners, but they get to help host Will Smith pull off the greatest slime event in KCA history. Through a brand-new iPad, iPhone and iPod app, and the KCA website, kids need to find slime hidden throughout the photo galleries, news, and videos. If kids collect enough slime, Will Smith will pull off the biggest slime event ever in this year’s show. Aided by weekly missions, kids will have the chance to earn digital rewards and move up the slime operative ranks.
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